Scuola Secondaria di I Grado Paritaria "Calasanzio", Liceo Linguistico Paritario "Calasanzio". Sanluri. Italy
Istituto Calasanzio is a Catholic Secondary school with students aged between 11-14 years old (lower-secondary) and 14-19 (upper-secondary). The upper- secondary school provides a five-year course specialized in foreign languages (English, German, French, Latin and ancient Greek). It offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities such as the art and music programs, and sport. As a catholic school it encourages and promotes values of mutual respect, co-operation and responsibility in each student. My school is located in a small town, Sanluri, in the South Sardinia which is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. The town is semi rural although it is only a half an hour drive from the capital city of Cagliari. As the school is situated in a semi rural area, it is mostly attended by students coming from villages in the countryside.
Our school policy, which is directed towards the “internationalisation” of the school, sees the introduction of the LLP project as a fundamental step in this direction. Our students have for some time been involved in exchanges with schools in other
European countries during study holidays in term-time organised by the school itself, which also promotes short exchanges with foreign countries as an integral part of the language course.
From this project we hope to achieve a broadening of the cultural horizons and interests of our students, which tend to be confined to their restricted local environment and a deeper knowledge and greater curiosity regarding their own social
reality and that of other European countries. We are keen on taking part in this Comenius partnership so that students will be able to have an opportunity both to accept cultural diversity and to discover what they have in common with other
European countries. Moreover, students will be able to develop some important skills such as working in a team, taking decisions and responsibilities and improving creativity. In addition, they will be motivated to learn foreign languages and to
improve their use of ICT.
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Our school policy, which is directed towards the “internationalisation” of the school, sees the introduction of the LLP project as a fundamental step in this direction. Our students have for some time been involved in exchanges with schools in other
European countries during study holidays in term-time organised by the school itself, which also promotes short exchanges with foreign countries as an integral part of the language course.
From this project we hope to achieve a broadening of the cultural horizons and interests of our students, which tend to be confined to their restricted local environment and a deeper knowledge and greater curiosity regarding their own social
reality and that of other European countries. We are keen on taking part in this Comenius partnership so that students will be able to have an opportunity both to accept cultural diversity and to discover what they have in common with other
European countries. Moreover, students will be able to develop some important skills such as working in a team, taking decisions and responsibilities and improving creativity. In addition, they will be motivated to learn foreign languages and to
improve their use of ICT.
Down you can find where we are